I began this draft nearly a year ago, and for some reason, I left it sitting here all this time. I haven't posted on this blog in years, as it says below, and I'm not sure what caused me to abandon this post. But now that I've read it again I think it needs to be shared.
Man, this place is dusty. I haven't posted in the blog in years, literally. But something has stirred me, and I just can't let it go.
I have been writing this post in my head for weeks now. You see, I am the new mommy of a darling four month old. And ever since he was placed into my arms, I have been coming to this slow realization. It's been in front of me my entire life. I see it everywhere I go, but it was not something that I ever thought about before this tiny human fully entered my life and changed my world. It's a simple statement, really. But it is as profound to me now as any Ghandi quote.
Human life is fragile. So very fragile.
I bet you already knew that, clever reader. So why am I telling you again? Because apparently we need reminding.
I am shocked, disgusted, and sickened daily. All I have to do is open my Facebook newsfeed and read the latest story about how an infant or toddler has been left in a car to bake to death. Or, take the headline that I just read( which prompted me to finally write this), about a baby girl found on the side of the road with her umbilical cord still attached. Daily I hear of or see headlines of stories about how adults have raped, murdered and neglected their children. It fills my heart with so much pain to even think about what those babies had to endure, and for no reason at all. It makes no sense to me.
When you bring a child into this world, they have no one to look to but you. When my baby cries because he's hungry, or lonely, or sleepy, his father and I are, essentially, all he has. This goes for any care giver who has responsibility over a child. You are all they have.
We are trapped in a system of bystanders, and these children need people in their lives who are going to protect and love them. Every child, all the time.
I'm not even sure where I'm going with this anymore, except to say love your children. Protect them. It is your job.
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