Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Crock Pot Rice- Pinterest Challenge

I tried my best to be productive today, and one thing that helped me was that I made dinner completely in the crock pot! I made one of my husbands favorites, Pot Roast.(tip- don't leave out the carrots. I didn't have any for some unknown reason, and it left the potatoes with a really spicy flavor. My picky hubby did not approve, of course) I saw this as the perfect opportunity to try a recipe I saw on Pinterest for perfect rice in the crock pot. It really couldn't have been easier. You will need:

  • about a TBSP of butter.( I used tub butter as needed since it's only to grease the stoneware)
  • one cup of white rice. I think you could use any rice
  • 2 cups of water
  • a dash of salt
I cooked it for about two hours and fifteen minutes, and this is what happened: 

Oops. What I am thinking went wrong is that I left it alone too long. I checked it after about 45 minutes like the instructions said, but I think next time I will keep up with the time a little better and check right at the two hour mark as well and hopefully it will go smoother next time! But even though the bottom scorched, guess what? 
 What wasn't scorched was delicious, and perfect. I have NEVER been able to cook rice, until now!
You can find the original recipe here.

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