Monday, March 26, 2012

Balsamic Ginger Steaks!

I came up with a great new recipe last night and just wanted to share!
So last night the husband and I decided to pick up some steaks at the commissary, but when we got them home I realized that we really didn't have a steak rub or marinade on hand. He ended up having the idea to soak them in balsamic vinegar while we baked some potatoes, probably about 30 minutes.
After some prowling through my spice rack, I finally emerged with ground ginger. We only made two steaks, so I used a teaspoon of the ground ginger and then added salt and pepper, just enough to taste.
We took the steaks out of the balsamic and then rubbed them down with the ground ginger mixture and into the frying pan they went! And they were DELICIOUS!!!

Nothing to it, and lots of flavor. I have plans to do similar things to beef tips in the crock pot soon.:)

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